In Japan, Sumitomo Heavy Industries (SHI) is proactively tackling the need to inspire young people to explore careers and roles across various technology and science fields.
Its "School for a Compassionate Future" initiative supports the enhanced STEAM education system. Recognising the growing importance of science and technology and the need for individuals to think critically about the future, SHI has been running this unique programme since 2023.
STEAM is an educational approach that integrates Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics. It goes beyond traditional subject boundaries, encouraging students to develop creative thinking, problem-solving skills, and innovative mindsets through hands-on learning and interdisciplinary projects.
This approach aims to equip students with the skills to thrive in an increasingly complex and technology-driven world.
Encouraging young people to think creatively
SHI’s "School for a Compassionate Future" allows children to engage in hands-on STEAM activities, encouraging them to think creatively and develop essential problem-solving skills. This initiative reflects SHI's commitment to social responsibility and understanding of STEAM education's vital role in shaping future generations.
The most recent "School for a Compassionate Future" workshop, held in September 2024 in Niihama City, Ehime Prefecture, involved approximately 80 elementary school students. SHI plans to expand this initiative, ensuring more children can access quality STEAM education experiences.
This commitment to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's focus on promoting STEAM education highlights SHI's dedication to contributing to the educational landscape in Japan.
You can read the full article here, including research that has been undertaken into the work undertaken so far: